David Vajgrt is a “life” Martial Artist; he has practiced several contemplative practices and Martial Arts styles throughout his life. An Army Veteran, he has studied Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, and Jeet Kune Do. Additionally Mr. Vajgrt has attended several seminars highlighting different Disciplines, including the National Womens Martial Arts Federation Super Saturday four times. He holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt under Sensei Sahnya Thom (6th Degree Black Belt) as part of the distinguished Universal Systems of Karate (USK). Mr. Vajgrt currently teaches in Bayview WI, as the Senior Instructor of the apprentice-style Windhorse Warriors Martial Arts Club (WWMAC). He is known for his love of “in-fighting” and “staying sticky” as well as his flexible and relaxed teaching style. Mr Vajgrt serves as both a teacher and a mentor to members. Sensei Thom makes regular visits to the Club for specialty classes and workshops.
“Our goal in the WWMAC is to teach practical self-defense skills and help members develop the key attributes that make up the “Warrior Path” in a modern world. Based on the Seven Attributes of the Bushido Code (Integrity/Courage/Respect/Honor/Compassion/Honesty/Loyalty) the Warrior Path is a philosophy that we hope will guide members in all aspects of their lives, be it personal or professional, physical, mental or spiritual. We have found the WWMAC calls to the right people at the right time, and the students who answer the call have the opportunity to launch a new lifestyle through Deep Martial Artistry.”
Membership in the WWMAC is Apprentice-style and either by application or invitation only. Previous Martial Arts experience is NOT required. Please Contact David Vajgrt at vajgrt1@hotmail.com for more information.
Contact Dave for information to join this Sunday morning Martial Arts Training Class at 262-689-0119.