Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been widely used as a therapeutic treatment for literally hundreds and hundreds of years.  Most people today recognize that massage can be very relaxing and feel good.  Through the therapeutic hands of a skilled massage therapist, a person can indeed feel deep relaxation and as a result have a decrease in daily tension, anxiety as well as depression.

Massage can also ease the postural stresses that are experienced in today’s heavily computer-based work force.  It can help decrease muscle tension and restore the natural muscle resting length to allow for betting sitting and standing posture.  Massage can also increase the overall circulation which can ease muscle pain, improve health of the skin, improve overall blood circulation and help regulate the digestive system.

To Book a Massage Therapy Session, Contact the Therapist Directly

If you are looking to incorporate Massage Therapy into your lifestyle, the Delaware House in Milwaukee is the place to do it.  We have three trained massage therapists that bring their unique style to your massage: Lacy Knoelke, and Sheila Stapleton. They are trained in the techniques of Swedish Massage, Hot Stones, Thai Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Relaxation Massage and more.  Each therapist will personalize your massage session to both your physical and emotional needs.

The Delaware House has a warm, healing energy and each therapist creates a professional environment for your enjoyment.  If you are interested in having a massage here at the Delaware House, browse the bios of the therapists on the web page.  Then, you can contact the therapist of your choice to set up your first appointment.

Meet Your Therapists