Vlada and Guillermo

Vlada and Guillermo

Tangovida.vg@gmail.com Facebook Instagram

Vlada and Guillermo had different paths leading to tango. Dance was an important part of Vlada’s life from an early age and included classical ballet and professional folk dancing in her youth. Guillermo was a dedicated athlete throughout his entire life and was never exposed to dancing. It was not until 2016 when they both came to tango, separately and in different cities. Vlada and Guillermo met at one of the milongas in 2018 and have been dancing together ever since. TangoVida was created in 2022 in an effort to rebuild and expand the Argentine tango community in Milwaukee post pandemic. TangoVida continues to grow and welcome new and seasoned tangueros from different walks of life. Vlada and Guillermo are offering multiple opportunities for the community to learn, perfect and enjoy tango through lessons, practicas and milongas. Contact them directly for an up-to date schedule of monthly events or questions.