Jenna Ryan

Jenna Ryan

Jenna Ryan is a white, cis gendered, queer woman who has been cultivating Fire & Flow Dance Fitness for 7 years. While she is a midwest native, she spent 10 years in the Seattle Area learning this unique style of dance from her mentor, sister, and friend Dina Love. It began with a desire to find a place to let loose and dance that wasn’t a bar or a club…and what she found was her fire: erotic joy in movement, sovereignty in the body, sanctuary with women, and just plain fun! Her dance icon & influence is Janet Jackson. She honors and thanks black women for the music and art that they create as well as the immense and often unnoticed work that they do for our culture. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Jenna recently relocated to Milwaukee (Bayview) with her partner Amanda to be closer to family and begin a new adventure. She is excited to share this gift of dance with her new community!